How to Program a Hyundai Keyfob

Electronic car keys are also known as key fobs and controls the car’s doors, trunk, and even starting the vehicle from a distance. However, sometimes the keys may malfunction due to signal loss. In such a case, the remote requires reprogramming to start operating, which you can do it.

For Hyundai models manufactured after 1999 may require some programming to start the vehicle. Programming Hyundai key fob applies to the transponder keys and remote,  meaning the car’s computer has to recognize the key as authorized. A dealer can do the process though it’s relatively expensive, especially if you lost the car keys.

Hyundai Key Fob Programming

Reprogramming a Hyundai key if you have a blank key involves two stages;

  • Cutting stage-  the key or remote is cut to fit your car’s ignition system.  The dealership does this by pulling the key code from the database. But if you have an already cut key, you will skip this stage and duplicate it.
  • Programming – it’s done for the electronic car unit to recognize the key. This process can only be done with a special machine connected to the vehicle.

Can I Program My own Hyundai Key Fob?

All Hyundai key fobs and remotes require programming with special equipment. Unfortunately, you can only find the special machine with a locksmith or car dealer, meaning you can’t do it yourself.  Fortunately, you can stick to few steps to program the unlock and lock feature for the Hyundai key fob.

  • First, restore the batteries in the key fob if you haven’t done so in a while. A key fob with new batteries will be easy to reprogram.
  • Get into your car and close the doors to ensure there is no signal interruption.
  • Slide the key into the ignition and turn the on position. Ensure the ignition is in the radio mode and don’t start the engine.
  • Push the lock dial on the remote key and turn the key to the off position.
  • Carry out this step at least three times, ensuring you end the cycle with the key in on position. In addition, this process helps your electronic control unit to recognize your key.
  • Be alert for a lock sound after the above step indicating the system is now in programming mode.
  • If you have other additional remotes, program them by pressing the lock dial within 10 seconds of entering the programming mode.
  • After switch off the ignition system, get out of your car and test the key fobs.  All remotes should work if the procedure is successful; if not, repeat it.

To ease the burden of spare programming keys for Hyundai, observe these guidelines;

  • Kindly have at least two new cut keys and program them both.
  • But if you have a working key, duplicate, and both will work.
  • Remember, when you program a new key, the old ones fail to work.

How Much Does it Cost to Program a Hyundai key Fob?

Programming a replacement key for Hyundai is quite expensive. The process can cost anywhere between $ 200 and $ 500 depending on the year, model of the car, and location. The fee may include both cutting and programming procedures with particular hardware for a start key. However, if you need to reprogram the ‘unlock and lock feature,’ it cost nothing, and you can do it as explained above.

Check this too: How To Change The Battery In A Jeep Key Fob


From this article, you can see, the cost of replacing and programming your Hyundai key fob is costly. Therefore, you should make an extra key since it’s cheaper than creating a new one once you lose all keys.  Programming a duplicate key is almost half the price of having a new key.