How to Make a Jeep Wrangler Ride Smoother

Manufacturers make Jeeps for outdoor enthusiasts, and the Jeep Wrangler is the most favorite among offroad fanatics. If you drive your Jeep Wrangler on the highway for longer trips, you are likely to feel that they drive too rough. It is because the suspension on Jeeps is meant to handle rough terrain. Fortunately, manufacturers are coming up with newer models that ride much smoother on the highways.

If you have the older model, adjusting and improving your Jeep’s wheels, suspension components, and alignment will significantly reduce the Jeep Wrangler’s bumpy ride.  If you have an older Jeep model and want to make it drive more smoothly on the highway, there are several ways you can achieve this without buying a new Jeep. This article will help you with tips on how to drive your Jeep Wrangler more smoothly and how to improve handling while driving.

Tips on how to make your Jeep Wrangler ride smoother

Typically, Jeeps are very rough cars because they perform best for offroad driving. Below we have explained some of the best ways to make your Jeeps more comfortable, especially when driving on pavements and highways.

  1. Change the spring

Typically, older Jeep Wrangler models have leaf springs which you need to change to coil springs to make the Jeep more comfortable. Springs are meant to absorb shock from bumpy roads; however, the leaf springs are not the best for absorbing vertical impact. Installing the coil springs will reduce the force of an impact significantly. The newer coil springs also come in a variety of firmness that you can adjust to suit your desired performance. The different firmness rates of the coil springs react depending on the amount of pressure your vehicle exerts on them.

  1. Replace the shock dampeners

The shocks work with the springs n your vehicle to regulate the force of impact. Older shock dampeners on a jeep Wrangler are stiffer and less effective in managing the force over bumps on the road. Try replacing the shocks with gas-filled shocks that are stiff enough and flexible enough to let the spring recoil much quicker for a smooth-riding Jeep.

  1. Swap the tires

Since the Jeep Wrangler is an offroading vehicle, it comes with tires that increase traction, meaning the tires have more grip on the surface you are driving on. On the smooth highway or pavement, these wheels overcompensate and reduce the smoothness of your ride. It would be best to replace those off-road tires with low profile tires that lower traction and create less friction for a smooth feel. Low profile tires have shorter sidewalls and a wider tread. Wider treads improve traction and give better road control than regular stock tires.

  1. Align the wheels

If you’ve been using your Wrangler on rough terrain, it can cause poor alignment, which can give a dumpier ride. When the wheels are unbalanced, the ride gets bumpier and less stable. Alignment allows the Jeep’s wheels to be with one another. Go to an automotive professional for proper alignment and balancing. Adjusting the angles of the wheels will give your Jeep more stability when driving.

  1. Install a camber kit

Installing a camber kit will replace the bolts that keep the strut in place. When you lower the vehicle, the wheels are likely to lose their angle, making the sides of the Jeep Wrangler work over each other. Camber kits keep your Wrangler in a straight line even when your hands are off the steering wheel. Camber kits reduce the force of impact on a rough road by straightening the tracks.

  1. Increase the weight on your car

A lighter Jeep Wrangler is likely to be more unstable. For a smoother ride, increase the weight of your vehicle by installing hardtop roofs and doors made of steel. The logic behind this is that increasing the vehicle’s weight will enhance your tires’ firm grip and reduce the impact of dumpy roads.

Also, most Jeep owners tend to lift the vehicle a bit too high, which can be rough, therefore adding more weight lowers the car closer to the manufactures height making it more stable and smoother.

  1. Decrease your speed

Though not a vehicle modification, lowering your driving speed will give you a smoother experience. Jeep wranglers, mainly lifted ones, come with a high torque engine that shifts more aggressively between gears making the rides much rougher. Therefore, for a smooth-riding Jeep, try reducing the speed, especially when making turns.

We recommend doing all the modifications to smoothen your ride more effectively. Changing only one thing will not be significant enough as other parts of the Jeep will be hindering the smooth ride.

How to make your Jeep Wrangler handle better on the road

Car enthusiasts know that jeeps are not the best when it comes to on-road handling. Most people will modify their Jeeps to improve their off-road performance, which can ultimately affect their performance on the highway, which can also risk rolling over your vehicle. Here are some tips to help you improve your Jeep wrangler’s handling abilities.

  • Make sure all your tires run under the correct pressure for your Jeep model. Very high or very low tire air pressure will affect handling and steering.
  • Install wheels that have less backspacing than the factory wheels. Reducing the backspace gains your more wheel clearance and adds stability, especially when cornering.
  • Less backspace also prevents the wheel from rubbing the suspension or brakes, which improves handling, braking, and stability.
  • Avoid lifting your Jeep Wrangler over three inches than the manufacturer’s height. The higher you raise your vehicle, the easier you lose stability and can roll over on its side.
  • Install tires with smaller sidewalls to improve handling, especially on rough terrain.
  • Instead of buying new aftermarket wheels, you can install wheel spacers on your stock wheels to increase the Jeep’s tracking.

Check this too: What Is The Difference Between A Leveling Kit And A Lift Kit?


The Jeep Wrangler’s rugged performance and versatility are what make it an attractive vehicle. However, the older Jeep models are also known for very rough and uncomfortable rides. The components involved with suspension and shock dampening are too rigid to soften the impact of force on a very bumpy road. The article explains the best ways you can efficiently lessen your Wrangler’s rough riding without buying the newer Jeep models. Keep in mind that you need to incorporate all areas mentioned above for more effective results.