How to Get Rid of Roaches in a Car

Most often, you experience roach infestations inside your house. It is not uncommon to find your car also infested, and you may be wondering if you will ever get rid of them. Just like in your house, there are some measures you can take to prevent a roach infestation in your car or to get rid of them if you are already experiencing an infestation.

How do cockroaches get in your car

Like every living creature, cockroaches are always searching for food, shelter, and an ideal place for reproduction. If your car happens to be the perfect environment for any or all of the above needs, a roach infestation is inevitable. The sad truth is that the roaches in your car are your own doing. You may have forgotten to roll up your windows at night, or you have let food particles or crumbs overstay in your car while you should have cleaned them immediately. With time these food particles add up and eventually become a feast for roaches. So, any sign of cockroaches in your car is an indication that they are getting food there.

Also, during the cold season, the roaches may find their way into your car because of the warmth inside it. Your car becomes their ideal shelter and breeding ground. They can comfortably hide in the glove compartment, small crevices on your seats’ fabric and cushioning, on, under and around your seats as well as on the doors. Be careful to notice any droppings in case you do not see any live roaches. The droppings produce a foul odour that is unique.

Another way the roaches may have gotten inside your car is through luggage or boxes.

While they may be harmless bugs, cockroaches carry over 30 different disease-causing bacteria and some parasitic worms. A roach infestation is, therefore, a looming health hazard, not only for you but for your entire family. Cockroaches also leave behind regurgitated bodily fluids, faeces and skins as they invade your space. So how do you get rid of these roaches?

How to remove roaches from a car

Clean your car

Your car may be an ideal breeding ground for roaches because of food particles or crumbs that you or your kids have dropped inside the car. Cleaning your car may disrupt their habitat for a moment. Since dirt is a leading factor in a roach infestation, cleaning your car is not enough to get rid of cockroaches. This is because there are some areas that cleaning will not get in, like under your seat, inside your speakers or in the car frame, to mention a few.

You can use a hand vacuum to vacuum your car’s interior or go to a car wash and use their vacuum cleaner or pay them to do it for you. Also, ensure you throw away any garbage inside your car

The roaches may stay a long time without food and so cleaning away the food particles and disposing of garbage will only do so much to remove them from your car. This happens especially during the cold season. Because of the warmth inside your car, the roaches may stay there for a while, or at least until you find a more advanced way to get rid of them.

Use roach baits

Once your car is clean, you can use roach baits to attract them from under your seat or wherever else they have hidden. You can place these baits in strategic areas where the roaches might hide. The baits provide food and water that the cockroaches need, laced with poison to kill them and their nests.

The roaches will come out to feed but will finally die from the poison. You can then take back authority over your car. It would be best if you did not wait for a roach infestation before taking the correct measures to remove them. Instead, as soon as you see one roach, clean your car and place the roach baits strategically.

Use an insecticide

After vacuuming your car’s interior, you can spray it with some insecticide that will repel or kill the roaches. Some insecticides like Novacide have sterilising substances that regulate the growth of roaches by disabling their ability to lay eggs.

You can spray it on your seats and floor, and ensure you leave your windows and door open as you spray. Use a sweeping downward motion to spread the insecticide and let your car ventilate for a while until the fumes from the spray disappear and the spray completely dries.

Use a flushing agent

In addition to insecticides or roach baits, you can spray a flushing agent inside your car. A flushing agent is efficient in killing these unwanted pests. For maximum effect, spray the flushing agent directly on the tiny crevices in your seats cushioning or fabric, in cracks and corners, while ensuring your car windows and doors are open for ventilation. This is an effective way also to remove roaches from car vents. Before using your car, ensure the spray fumes dissipate and dry completely.

Top 3 home remedies to get rid of roaches in your car

You may not be a fan of using chemicals in your car for whatever reasons. Here are a few ways you can use at the comfort of your home to remove roaches from your car.

Use diatomaceous earth

Diatomaceous earth is a naturally-appearing salt that kills pests by cutting their exoskeleton and dehydrating them to death. You can sprinkle some in your car to kill the roaches.

Use roach-repellent foods

Some foods act as natural roach repellents. You may feel like leaving more food in your car is counterproductive to your attempt to get rid of roaches, but once you identify the foods that repel cockroaches, you will be glad you did it.

You can leave garlic, slices of cucumbers, and bay leaves lying around in your car. Cucumbers can last for only a few days, while bay leaves and garlic can last up to a few weeks.

Soap and water

Soapy water is ideal for killing pests. The detergent found in the soap clogs the pores of the cockroaches by creating a barrier on their skin, which leads to suffocation and eventually death. You can add your favourite detergent to a spray bottle and shake.

It is advisable to have this mixture in your car. You can shower the roaches with it when you see them before they return to their hiding places. Natural remedies for killing cockroaches are ideal because they are safe to use in case of pets and kids and are also effective in mitigating roach infestations.

Other natural ways to remove roaches from your car

Use boric acid

Boric acid is a natural roach killer. It would help if you took care when using it because it can cause a rash on your skin, nausea, or stomach upset when ingested, and when you inhale it, you may experience dry mouth, throat and nose, which leads to nosebleeds, sore throats or dry cough and difficulty breathing at worst.

It is indigestible upon consumption by the roaches. You can use it by sprinkling it inside your car. When the buggers crawl over it, they will clean themselves hence ingesting the acid and finally die. However, remember to use boric acid sparingly because when you turn on your air-con, the powder may be blown around, causing a mess, and you may inhale it.


Catnip is a plant from the mint family, and its scent puts off roaches. You can sprinkle some inside your car. This may be the fastest way to get rid of cockroaches in a car.

Alternatively, when all the above methods have failed, you can hire an exterminator. An exterminator is skilled in dealing with all kinds of pests, including roaches not only in residentials but also in cars. The downside to hiring an exterminator is the cost. They can be pretty expensive and require you to have a bigger budget.

Can I bomb my car for roaches

Roach bombs are roach killers but are limited in their effectiveness as they cannot reach the cracks and crevices where the roaches hide. It is advisable to avoid using them in your car by all means. Your car space is significantly smaller than your house. You may inhale the dangerous roach bomb fumes even if you have fully ventilated your car.

Roach bombs are highly toxic and are flammable. Also, they are available in the form of an aerosol spray, which means that when you spray them, they disperse into the air and sit on surfaces inside your car, coating your car’s interior in poison. Breathing these toxic fumes can cause illness.

However, if you decide to use this method, ensure to leave your car doors and windows open for a while for ventilation, and also turn on the air-con to ensure any roach bomb particles inside vents get blown out before you get inside your car.

How to prevent a cockroach infestation in your car

Once you successfully get rid of roaches in your car, you may take preventive measures against future roach infestations.

Keep your car clean

This is by far the most effective preventive measure to keep roaches at bay. Once you notice any food particles, clean them up immediately. Also, it is advisable not to let garbage accumulate inside your car. Continuously cleaning your car of the roaches’ food source will keep them away from your car for good. It is advisable to vacuum the interior of your car at least once per week.

Additionally, you can detail your car through professionals if your budget allows. Deep cleaning your car this way ensures every area of your car’s interior is reached. It ensures even your upholstery is thoroughly cleaned of grime, roach residue and dirt. It is a sure way to remove roaches from car seats.

Avoid eating in your car

Keep in mind that roaches are attracted to your car because of food crumbs in your car. Avoid eating in your car by all means. However, if eating in your car is inevitable, ensure to clean your car as soon as possible.

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Check your luggage

Another way roaches get into your car is by hitching a ride through your luggage, boxes, clothes or plants. Check them thoroughly before putting them inside your car.


Having cockroaches in your car is frustrating and gross. If you follow any of the above methods of removing roaches from your car, you will have the infestation under control. Because of the health issues they pose, deal with cockroaches immediately when you notice them.